Re: password backdoors

Tom Brock (
Fri, 12 May 95 00:25:08 +0100

Hi Lyndon (still of Rover), and others

Paul Szabo <> said

> I am sure your HP engineer was just boasting, I am sure there are no
> 'password backdoors' in Domain/OS. 

I'm not so sure. I heard a similar tale from an Apollo (pre-HP days)
engineer. His story was that the sys-admin at some site had
lost/forgotten the root pasword, and deleted one of the default
accounts, and that it was the absence of this account which prevented
his 'breaking in', and also that it wouldn't have mattered if the
password had been changed from the default (and it would, wouldn't
it?). Far-fetched, or what?

Tom Brock.